Monday 13 July 2015

Heroes Of The Storm: Sgt. Hammer Talents

*updated for Cho'Gall patch


My General Build- Regeneration Master, Maelstrom Shells, First-Aid, Napalm Strike, Giant Killer/First Strike, Graduating Range, Nexus Frenzy

This is the pretty cookie cutter build I go, subbing First Strike for Giant Killer if needed and Regeneration Master for Advanced Artillery

All Out Damage- Advanced Artillery, Focused Attack, First-Aid, Napalm Strike/Blunt Force Gun, First Strike, Graduating Range/Executioner, Nexus Frenzy

This build will really chunk people out, you might even sub First-Aid for Hyper-Cooling Engines if you really are being completely ignored for some reason and want to be able to chase.

Safe and Defensive- Regeneration Master, Maelstrom Shells, First-Aid, Napalm Strike, Barricade, Graduating Range/Stoneskin, Advanced Lava Strike

This is what I use if the team is able to jump on me or poke me pretty well, subbing Maelstrom Shells with Vampiric Assault if absolutely necessary and Barricade for either Giant Killer or First Strike if they are less diving and more ranged poke and have good tanks.