Tuesday 24 November 2015

Sgt. Hammer level 20!

After 333 Sgt. Hammer games, I hit level 20. Can't get enough of this hero.

AMA lol

Monday 23 November 2015

Heroes of the Storm - Sgt. Hammer tips

Just a quick tip video with a little bonus at the end. Nothing special that I'm sure most pick up just by playing the hero but hey, you never know who it might help. Just know that you shouldn't be doing this constantly because it puts your important knockback on cooldown and leaves you vulnerable. Mostly used for quickly pushing a wave if you need to roam or recall or if your passing by a lane on the way to an objective and you likely won't need that blast for 10 secs.

Monday 16 November 2015

Cho'Gall Release tomorrow!

I'm so excited for this hero. I love that Blizzard is willing to think outside the box and can't wait to see what else the bring over the years. I'm not sure if I'd prefer Cho or Gall at this point, will definitely be giving both heads a shot and judge from there.

I'm also terrified to have to deal with Cho'Gall.. And Cho'Gall mirror matches.. The first week will be interesting as I imagine he(they?) will be in most games.

Friday 6 November 2015

Blizzcon Heroes of the storm announcement trailer

Excited to see new maps, I wonder if there will be a weekly map pool or something soon. Cho'Gall looks insanely fun, can't even begin to imagine how silly it will be to have 2 players to control 1 hero. Might have to find some friends...

Cho'Gall hero info

Hoping Lunara is a new support, but I know nothing of Warcraft lore so might be known what to expect. Greymane looks pretty cool as well, wondering how the transformation will be done, through a trait, some kind of resource or just abilities.

Oh and I forgot about Tracer from overwatch coming. That should be interesting..

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Blog update

Tiny update of things:

Bloodborne- I didn't get a PS4 until a few months ago so I had to dreadfully sit by and avoid all things about the game so that I could enjoy the game fresh. Once I finally got my PS4 I looked into the game and it was still going for $70 and I just couldn't do it, so I kept an eye out for sales as much as possible. Eventually I found it down for $30 and picked it up instantly and played the hell out of it. What a great game. I would write down my impressions of the game but seeing as the DLC should be out in a month I figured I would wait for that and then give my final thoughts since chances are that will be the only piece of DLC to come for the game.

Overwatch- I hoped, as did many others, to get into the first beta wave but sadly doesn't seem like I did. Hopefully I will soon though, would be nice to change it up and get into a shooter since it's been quite a long time.

Battleborn- I am however in the Technically Test of Battleborn which is on the 29th, not sure if I got lucky or if a lot of people did but hey, it looks fun. Can't really do much with it because of the NDA but I'm looking forward to this game because it offers couch co-op and that seems to be a bit of a lost art these days.

Heroes of the Storm- Still playing this mostly, god I wish I could stream or make content but my computer is pretty old and don't know when I'll be able to update it but hopefully one day. It sucks that I have this huge write-up for Sgt. Hammer on matchups and hero tips but since I put it off for so long a lot has changed because of talent buffs/nerfs and new heroes and just feeling more experienced now than before. Maybe one day it'll get published lol

Saturday 24 October 2015

Heroes of the Storm: Rank 1!

This is a pretty useless post but I'm just excited

So I started playing this game about 5 months ago now.. Well actually I got into the alpha/beta fairly late and played the tutorial and wasn't feeling it so I didn't play anymore until the game officially released.

I came into this game with a I somewhat small MOBA experience. The only other one I had played was League of Legends and I played probably less than 50 rank/normal games there and only did bot games and ARAM.

I've really been enjoying this game for the 5 months I've been playing, it's just a lot of fun and much more easy going to play and the community for the most part is much more tolerable compared to what I see with most other games. I definitely recommend everyone to check this game out just because it's really fun and different.

I actually played just over 600 games of quick-match before even trying ranked play just because I wanted to make sure I had an acceptable amount of knowledge and experience so that I would fell prepared for the more competitive environment. I personally feel like this really helped me get to rank 1 as based off of Hotslogs I've been playing around a 3,500 MMR in quickmatch which I believe is mid-level rank 1. I also played 200 quickmatch games on the EU servers for no particular reason, playing 95% Sgt. Hammer and got to 4,000 MMR. I decided to try ranked out on the EU server and did decently, getting played at rank 7 I believe but after playing another 7 games I gave up because the matchmaking just felt awful and got frustrated, thus quitting the server.

Friday 23 October 2015

Undertale Mini Review

I saw this game getting a little bit of buzz over the last couple weeks so I decided to check it out since from what I'd heard, it was a very good and unique game. The game started off good right from the start, thinking I was in for a bit of a dark and twisted RPG game but quickly took a turn for the.. better? I think my overall disappointment was in the fact that the game just didn't turn out like I was expecting, being much more cheerful and a lot less dark. The character humor started off fine as well but by halfway through the game I was kind of sick of all the humor and awkwardness they seemed to bring and by the time I met the robot and Lisa Simpson dinosaur, I couldn't mash the 'A' button fast enough. I'd say these were my only gripes with the game though. I really enjoyed the battle-system as it was nothing I'd seen or played before so it was fresh and had a nice variety to it and also rewarded people for their abilities in the mini-game. Tied in with the battle-system is the way of playing the game differently with the lethal and non-lethal playthrough which is also nice. I also liked the bit of a twist of you being the bad guy in a way, something else I can't recall experiencing in a game before. The fact that I actually felt guilty for some of my actions in this game was impressive and does make me want to go through the game again with a cleaner playthrough. Aside from the unique gameplay aspects I will also applaud the soundtrack for being really nice and sets a good atmosphere for the game.

Overall it was a good game but felt a little underwhelming to all the hype I had been hearing about it, but I do think there is great potential. With a unique and fun battle-system, character choices, great soundtrack and interesting story, I think the creator could make an amazing game (possible sequel) with some more polished character writing and graphics.


Tuesday 20 October 2015

Axiom Verge first play through impression

Found some time to play this game while taking a break from Heroes Of The Storm and I sure am glad that I did. This was a game that I don't recall how I heard about it, but I did have a chance to try the demo at a store when it the demo first came out and found it pretty interesting. I ended up forgetting about this game and getting distracted with other games when suddenly I randomly remembered it last week and quickly got it on steam.


I started out the game trying to use my cheap logitech controller that doesn't have any analog sticks and used a program to rebind the buttons to different keyboard keys since I couldn't get the game itself to recognize it. This worked out slightly but after getting multiple weapons I had a bit of issue switching between them so I grabbed my PS4 controller and went with that instead which worked out well so I recommend not being like me and trying to use a more retro-style controller or the keyboard because there is a lot of things you'll be doing. That was a small issue I had was that there was just a little too much going on with how many buttons are used so I would sometimes get confused and the main issue I had was once I got the dash I pretty frequently accidentally would dash, sometimes into enemies so it was a little frustrating. The other issue was with the quick-switch being L3 and R3, pretty much every time I tried to utilize this in the heat of a battle, I would accidentally open the weapon wheel and reassign a new quick-switch rather than switching. Mildly frustrating but not major.


Sunday 20 September 2015

Oh My Darling Don't Meow (just blaze remix)


Figured I should make a post about music since I planned to include music in my blog and just haven't done it much at all.

For a little backstory, this is a remix of a song from the Run The Jewels 2 album which came out last year. The 2 members got high and thought it would be funny to make a bunch of joke bundle packages you could purchase online and one of them happened to be "Remix the album using entirely cat sounds". Well someone got the great idea that at $40,000 they could get a kickstarter happening and reach that goal. The group heard about the kickstart and were totally down with the idea as long as all the money was going to a charity, in this case it was to families affected by police brutality. The goal was of course reached and a wide variety of producers offered their assistance on the album, and here we are now. This is the 2nd song released so far, the first being Meow The Jewels - "Meowrly (Prod. BOOTS) and I believe we can expect the full album to be out fairly soon, possibly before the end of the month, which you can of course expect me to make a post about.

Now about the actually song, jesus it's great. Just Blaze did an amazing job making this beat and being able to incorporate the cat sounds. It honestly is just a really really good beat and I may even prefer it over the original.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Happy 8000!

Hit 8000 views this week, pretty shocking even though it doesn't seem like much but glad there's people actually checking the place out. Even if it is 99% for the Stamina guide I wrote for DarkSouls 2. Going back and looking at that post I don't even understand it much anymore since I stopped playing shortly after all the research. Don't know how interested people are in Heroes of the Storm but I do have a giant post in progress for that game. Specifically a Sgt. Hammer matchup collection, only problem is that I last worked on it right before Leoric got released so information is dated, new heroes are added.. Lots of work still but I may just charge through it to get it up and then keep it updated. Hoping to possibly get into the Overwatch Beta once that hits but that will be up to Blizzard really but I will probably do some posts on that game if I get in, otherwise it'll probably be mostly Heroes of the Storm.

Decided to touch up the blog a bit since I hopefully plan to be more active. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Monday 13 July 2015

Heroes Of The Storm: Sgt. Hammer Talents

*updated for Cho'Gall patch


My General Build- Regeneration Master, Maelstrom Shells, First-Aid, Napalm Strike, Giant Killer/First Strike, Graduating Range, Nexus Frenzy

This is the pretty cookie cutter build I go, subbing First Strike for Giant Killer if needed and Regeneration Master for Advanced Artillery

All Out Damage- Advanced Artillery, Focused Attack, First-Aid, Napalm Strike/Blunt Force Gun, First Strike, Graduating Range/Executioner, Nexus Frenzy

This build will really chunk people out, you might even sub First-Aid for Hyper-Cooling Engines if you really are being completely ignored for some reason and want to be able to chase.

Safe and Defensive- Regeneration Master, Maelstrom Shells, First-Aid, Napalm Strike, Barricade, Graduating Range/Stoneskin, Advanced Lava Strike

This is what I use if the team is able to jump on me or poke me pretty well, subbing Maelstrom Shells with Vampiric Assault if absolutely necessary and Barricade for either Giant Killer or First Strike if they are less diving and more ranged poke and have good tanks.

Monday 1 June 2015

Titan Souls Mini Review + Boss "Rush" Video

The Video is just a recording of my first playthrough* the game. 

Overall I thought it was a fun game, but at the same time I just couldn't help but feel like there was potential for the game to be so much more. The bosses are all on point but really that's all there is. Wished that there was some story elements or more to the overworld. Honestly it looks good and has a cool atmosphere but it just felt wasted and could have been replaced with a mega-man style stage select for the most part. Hopefully if there is a sequel they build upon the great bosses and are able to deliver an excellent game. Since there is a lack of common enemies and anything else to really do, the game is slightly extended just by the fact you have to walk around looking for where to go next, that said it was still a sub 4 hour game. I do recommend it, but I would say to wait for a sale or price drop because of how short it is but you can try the demo for free and hey if you really like it, pick it up.

*recording started at the skeleton archer so all bosses before that were redone on a second playthrough just to get the kills on video.