Saturday 20 February 2016

Heroes of the Storm: Greymane [updated]

- Update -

Because of talent changes Greymane is no longer the hero he once was, at least in my eyes. He no longer fits in basically every single game and is much more of a high risk high reward hero than a patient one. As a result I am no longer comfortable playing the hero as I once was and haven't a very small amount of games played while playing him now so the bellow guide is no longer valid in my eyes. This is the build I've currently be using since then.

Viciousness > Thick Skin > Quicksilver Bullets > Go for the Throat > On The Prowl > Relentless Predator > Hunters Blunderbuss

I still swap around talents a bit depending on team comp such as Eyes in the dark at 4 vs low AA heroes, and Alpha Killer or Executioner at 16 vs low CC hereos. Tooth and Claw can also see some use vs a weak frontline team because you're likely to be hitting more heroes in the back with the cleave effect.

 - Outdated -

Greymane was a hero who at the time of his announcement I didn't really have much interest in because I hadn't yet stepped into the world of melee assassins and didn't think I'd enjoy him too much. Once his talents got shown though my interest started to perk up because I saw the ability to really poke them down with the cocktail. Originally I had planned to use Marked for the Kill until I saw how it actually performed with it's underwhelming damage and slow projectile speed. In the beginning of his release it seemed like people were trying to make him a hybrid of ranged/melee or focused a lot on his melee because he hits so hard in this form but I didn't see many, if any people playing with the Q build.

Friday 12 February 2016


Today the blog hit 10,000 views! Pretty exciting even though it may not seem the most impressive to a lot of people, it's a nice milestone. I haven't been very active here even though there has been a decent amount of stuff I've wanted to post. Mostly life issues and just also being lazy has kept me from doing so though. Just recently moved into a new place with the girlfriend so might find myself with some more time to write stuff and being away from some of the life issues now.

I'm hoping to go back to the dark souls roots once Dark Souls 3 hits since I'll be getting that on release and won't be a console behind like I was with Bloodborne.

So other than that mini update, Thanks everyone for checking out the blog, and who knows, maybe one day we will hit 100,000!